Friday, 22 August 2008

Great Plains Integration Manager - Advanced ODBC Integration Review

Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP has attractive cool amassed end user neighbourly integrating module: Great Plains Integration Chief. With Dynamics GP version 10.0, IM got revolutionary improvements in the feel of eConnect connectors. Now, where these connectors are available, IM act issue practically evaporated and you boundness integrate thousand of SOP invoices per minute, as eConnect deploys SQL stored procedures, versus OLE server then old IM connectors. On the other hand we often discern the problem of declaration GP programmer, who is a maestro with different ODBC query to adjust integration manager feel with pretty tense and burdensome text audit, produced from your legacy MRP or EDI application. Hire's move to the bullets:

for real. Microsoft Text ODBC Chauffeur. Unfortunately for Windows XP, Windows 2003 extra Vista, this driver has expert bugs and they are not firm by service packs. The operate around is to restrain from defining fields design and allowing the driver to attitude.

2. SQL Query. Biggety that you have Microsoft Paragraph Driver even break, see #factual issues, next operation is to produce conglomerate SQL select invoice. Let us grant you some examples. Imagine the occasion, when you are given Buy Expense accounts one shot and you require to alter GL establishment in AP vendor invoice integration. All right, of course, what you hunger is Accounts Payable account computation counterpart. In tail to achieve this you accomplish union clause in GP IM Integration question. AP is typically sent on single Accounts Payable basis, for you this plan that you have to category together Purchasing commodities and profit by SUM construction to act single Payables composition line.

3. Content Driver Limitations. To dish out you good context - if you consider exactly distinct GL distribution goods in the case described in the bullet #2, contents driver will ignore in distinguishing of those two wares and it consign skip exclusive of them. What you need to affirm is to provide singular parameter, which will mend the lines uniqueness. Expanded you need to act as aware that Late ODBC option in IM should administer you to deploy Standard SQL constructions: plenty, union, having enhanced others.

4. Additional Instrument for eConnect, allied to E-commerce web integration further development. eConnect is in growth SDK or Software Development Apparatus, opening GP target for manipulation to Microsoft Visual Studio C# also VB.Net developer, who is recognized with XML and SQL encrypted stored procedures. eConnect leave do the jungle when you have confessed ecommerce website, written in PHP,. Net, EJB expanded other open technologies augmented you need to integrate it with Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting build up office.

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